The master’s degree is multi-faceted and is also suitable for career changers.
AdobeStock.THANANIT Das Masterstudium ist facettenreich und bietet sich auch für QuereinsteigerInnen an.
The master’s degree is multi-faceted and is also suitable for career changers.

Even more diverse: Data Science & Intelligent Analytics

21.12.2021 | General
In the upcoming 21/22 winter semester, the master study program Data Science & Intelligent Analytics is starting with a reworked, improved curriculum. There is a broad range of available jobs in this area that ensure that you will have a secure future.

After three successful years, the study program is now geared even more toward application and has been made into more of a combination of a part-time and full-time program. It has also been adjusted to the current challenges in the area of data science. The new program is starting in the upcoming winter semester with multiple updates.

Study programs for career changers too

A preparatory course was made to enable non-specialists to meet all of the entrance requirements for the study program. This course is being offered in the summer of 2021 for the first time and conveys content from the areas of programming, mathematics, and statistics for career changers. Because of this, people will be able to enter the study program at the beginning of the upcoming winter semester who had not previously worked with data or data analysis but would like to expand into this area.

A practice-oriented focus with blended learning

In the future, more emphasis will be placed on educating data science students in a way that is more focused on actual practice. Existing courses have been updated and expanded with new content, and the teaching method has also been improved. For example, the topic area of deep learning, object recognition, image classification, video processing, etc. has been classified to its own course and will be taught using real projects.

The proportion of new teaching and learning concepts has also been increased. Starting in the upcoming winter semester, e-learning and blended learning will be increasingly used for teaching. To do so, the master study program can draw on a first-class infrastructure including a production studio, streaming lecture rooms, and an excellent server infrastructure at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol. This improvement makes it possible to offer content in a way that is more of a combination of a part-time and full-time program. This enables knowledge content to be studied comfortably at home, allowing valuable class time to be used for discussions, laboratory instruction, or group work.

Customized specialization

The new curriculum now offers more opportunities for customized specialization. This was set up by creating attractive electives in the third and fourth semesters in cooperation with the other technical master study programs at the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein. This also enables students to individually specialize according to their interests. The students can select classes from a broad range of courses in the areas of Data Science, Smart Products & Solutions, Web Communication & Information Systems, and ERP & Business Process Management.

These specialization options make the Data Science & Intelligent Analytics study program an advanced study program that covers the basics in the preparatory course and in the first two semesters, and it focuses on individual application and specialization in the second half of the study program.

Broad range of available jobs ensuring a secure future

In addition to these exciting improvements, the Data Science & Intelligent Analytics study program in the future will also focus on a proven combination of theory and application-oriented practice. This will make students into solution-oriented, skilled data scientists who can deal with a wide variety of exciting topics in real life. The students’ range of possible applications ranges from tourism, industrial companies, retail, and marketing to science and medicine. There is also a wide variety of jobs available to graduates who could work in technical areas as well as to graduates working in applications in specialty divisions or as consultants.

Are you interested?

If you are interested, you can apply online by September 5 for a study place starting this fall.