Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter Dietrich, Professor für Strategische Kommunikation & Stakeholder Management an der FH Kufstein Tirol, beschreibt die Methodik zur erfolgreichen Kommunikation in Zeiten sozialer Distanzierung.
FH Kufstein Tirol
Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter Dietrich, Professor for Strategic Communication & Stakeholder Management at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, describes methods for successful communication in times of social distancing.

Successful communication in times of distancing

28.05.2020 | General
In the spring of 2020 because of the coronavirus, personal contact had to be radically restricted and people were switched to their home offices. A researcher at the FH Kufstein Tirol shows how the performance of virtual communication can be optimized.

Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter Dietrich writes about successful communication in times of distancing. In the May edition of the “improve” practical letter, he conveys methods for effective remote communication and also provides a checklist, tools, and an example for the manufacturing industry.

“Metaphorically speaking, every message walks on two legs from the sender to the recipient – on a digital leg and an analog leg. These two legs are a mixture of content and expression. Remote communication gives us a severe limp because analog options of expressions are very limited. We first have to learn how to deal with it, and that will be decisive for how successfully we communicate in the future,” Dietrich remarked.

Link to the “improve” practical letter

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