Enthused by the digital sustainability week
Around 850 people participated in the program of the sustainability week this year. Students at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol organized the program as part of their practical project. Various areas of sustainability were discussed on a total of five theme days.
Sustainable living
This one-week online event started on Monday, June 14, and the motto of the day was “Sustainable Living.” On this day, there were not only three live presentations but also an initiative that lasted several days and an “on-demand presentation.” The day was started with a call to collect garbage. Hard workers who sent a picture of their bounty to the social media channels of the project group had the opportunity to win a sustainable goodies bag. The live presentations where strongly characterized by sustainable development and dealt with climate protection goals and climate change. To sum it up, the participants were also able to watch a video presentation from Kufsteinerland Tourismus Verband on the topic of “sustainable travel in the Kufstein region.”
On Tuesday, the focus was on sustainable construction and housing. The presenters gave information about the current, somewhat alarming situation regarding resource and space use and presented sustainable methods and materials. Towards evening, a group of experts gave a report on solar technology. In addition to interesting presentations, the participants had the opportunity to see exciting videos about wood as a raw material and to listen to three podcast episodes with a total of three episodes on the topic of ecological, sustainable construction methods.
A sustainable diet and mobility
On Wednesday, the focus was on a sustainable diet. Shocking data, facts, images, diagrams, and videos showed the unembellished truth about food consumption. The presenters challenged us to change our thinking and gave pointers about how every person can make a small but important contribution to a more sustainable diet.
On the theme day Everyday Life & Traveling, there was a total of three live presentations and two workshops for the participants about various topics regarding lifestyle and mobility. The virtual guests learned helpful tips for everyday life such as how to make their own cleaning agents.
Green Events Tirol
The final day of the event week started with a presentation from the Green Events Tirol initiative. The participants found out interesting information such as how to organize their own events with the Green Event label. Then there was a “talk show” on the topic of “mobile food service.” The last presentation of the week was on the topic of “sustainability events.” Along with additional workshops such as making sustainable hygiene products, the second sustainability week at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol ended with a quiz. The participants also had the opportunity to win amazing prizes.
Diversified online program
It was a pleasure to see so many dedicated participants take part in the 2021 digital sustainability week and to see how they took advantage of the program with a lot of enthusiasm. “I am very glad that the team for the sustainability week was successful at compiling a program of presentations and workshops that was so diverse and exciting,” said Dr. Miriam Lettner, the supervisor of the practical project.
Strong together
The sustainability week was able to take place thanks to support from the sponsors. The project team and the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol would like to express their sincere thanks to the Austrian National Union of Students at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein, Unterberger Immobilien, Neumarkter Lammsbräu, Alpengummi, and Raiffeisen Bezirksbank Kufstein for their active support this year.