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Bachelor/Master General Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor Program

Applicants must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • General higher education entrance qualification
  • Respective Certificate of General Educational Development
  • Vocational Matriculation Examination (Graduation of every subject until 31.10.)
  • School leaving certificate of (at least) a three-year vocational high school or certificate of a dual education system (specified apprenticeship) including additional exams within the first semester in the subjects mathematics, German and English. Information on the additional exams are here.
  • A German qualification to study at universities of applied sciences (deutsche Fachhochschulreife) relevant to the degree program including additional exams within the first semester in the subjects mathematics, German and English. 
    Download facheinschlägige Zugangsvoraussetzungen FOS/BOS
  • Practical work experience is an advantage

Entrance Requirements for the Master Program

  • Completion of a Bachelor or Diploma program (at a university or a university of applied sciences) relevant to the degree program or equivalent post-secondary degree
  • Practical work experience
  • Good English skills

Admission Requirements language of instruction

All applicants, who are not native German speakers have to prove their German language skills (min. level B2).


  • Master International Business Studies (100% English)
  • Master Sports, Culture & Event Management (100% English)

Here the following entry requirements for the language level apply:


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