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Tuition fee

The tuition fee at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol (in addition to the membership fee for the Austrian Students’ Union ÖH) amounts to € 363,36 per semester.

Tuition fee deposit

Third-country applicants have to pay a tuition fee deposit of € 100 with their online application. The payment must be received in our bank account at the latest three days after the registration deadline for the desired entrance exam date. Otherwise we will not be able to process your application for the desired date. Applicants who apply for more than one program have to pay the deposit only once. Your application documents will be checked and processed as soon as we have received your payment. We will then inform you about the next steps in the application process.

The deposit will be credited against the tuition fees on commencement of studies. Should you not fulfill the admission requirements, fail to attend the entrance examination or decide not to take up the offer of a place, your deposit will be refunded, less bank charges and exchange rate differences.

Further information

You can also find details on the tuition fee in our FAQ.

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