Costs of Living
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Costs of Living

The following overview gives an estimate of the monthly cost of living for students. Depending on the type of accommodation and personal lifestyle, the cost of living may vary. The figures are only estimates and not binding. (Source:

Overview of average living costs per month

Accommodation costs assume a place in a student residence or a shared apartment. The cost of accommodation in the International Student Residence at the FH Kufstein Tirol including operating costs (electricity, water, heat, internet, sanitation fees, etc.) is € 400.- - 450.- a month. In addition, a deposit must be paid; the amount varies depending on the landlord. Location and size of the apartment have a considerable impact on accommodation costs.

Kufstein is home to many discount supermarkets where you can buy groceries at a reasonable price.

The price for a main course (lunch) in the cafeteria (‘Diner’) of the FH Kufstein Tirol is about € 7.-. A cup of coffee in the cafeteria costs about € 3.-.

  • Study-related costs

The costs for the required reference books differ by program. They can be reduced by making use of the library's services or by purchasing used books from graduates.

The printing costs for an A4 sheet in black-and-white using an on-campus printer are € 0.05.

  • Culture

The entrance fee (with student discount) for the Kufstein Fortress is about € 7, and about € 8 for the Ambras Castle at Innsbruck.

  • Entertainment

A day ticket for the open-air swimming pool in Kufstein is € 4.50, while cinema tickets are available from € 8.50.

  • Public transport

In Kufstein, (almost) all destinations can be reached on foot or by bicycle. The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol is located in the center of the city.

The Kufstein bus network (Stadtbus) connects all parts of the city. A one-way trip costs € 1.30.


Additional costs

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