In collaboration with the agency brandscore, Industriemagazin ranked the Austrian universities according to image and awareness and compared the results with the year 2022. The University of Applied Sciences (FH) Kufstein Tirol came in eighth place.
In collaboration with the agency brandscore, Industriemagazin ranked the Austrian universities according to image and awareness and compared the results with the year 2022. The University of Applied Sciences (FH) Kufstein Tirol came in eighth place.
The prestigious Green Events Tirol (GET) location award recognizes the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol's long-standing commitment to sustainable events and underlines its pioneering role in the field of environmentally friendly event organization.
In a festive setting in the House of Industry, the Regional Management (KUUSK) network of the regions Kufstein and surroundings, Untere Schranne and Kaiserwinkl, was awarded the new quality label MINT region for the first time. The University of Applied Science (FH) Kufstein Tirol made a decisive contribution to this with its offer for children.
Under the leadership of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, eight Tyrolean universities are committed to tackling the challenges of climate change and resource scarcity. Their common goal is to promote a sustainable future actively.
The Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization (OeAD) rated the university’s final report on its Erasmus+ mobility project as outstanding at fostering the learning mobility of individuals. A noteworthy recognition of the institution’s excellent work.
The University of Applied Sciences Kufstein is the only institution in the country to employ this advanced system in both research and teaching. The Industrial Engineering & Management and Smart Products & Solutions programs are now able to produce highly complex and functional metal components.
At the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein, international cooperation is part of everyday academic life. This includes international collaboration in science and research as well as partnerships with international businesses. This not only benefits students, but also supports Tyrol’s local economy.
Die Auftraggeberin eines spannenden Praxisprojekts - InfraServ Gendorf, die Betreiberin des größten bayerischen Chemieparks – bietet umfangreiche Services für die Chemie- und Prozessindustrie.
The reviewers certify that the University of Applied Sciences (FH) Kufstein Tirol has an authentic awareness of quality and an intensive discourse on quality assurance issues. In particular, the familial atmosphere and personal communication stood out positively.
Tobias Höfinger studiert Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement und verbrachte sein Auslandssemester in den USA, am York College of Pennsylvania (YCP) - eine der prägendsten Erfahrungen seines bisherigen Lebens.