Während der dreitägigen Veranstaltung in Portoroz, Slowenien tauschten sich die Projektverantwortlichen der FH Kufstein Tirol mit acht weiteren Partner:innen aus und nahmen am Design Thinking Camp für das zweite Arbeitspaket teil.
EXPOnline summer semester 2023
Welcome to the EXPO
Experience the world of business projects of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management.
What exactly is the EXPO?
The EXPO is a platform where all business projects of the summer semester 2023 of SKVM students will be presented. This year, the EXPO will also take the form of an MS Teams Livestream, on 30/06/2023 from 13.00 - 13.45.
You can expect exciting practical projects in the field of sports, culture, and event management during this live moderation. Selected project groups will be interviewed about their practical projects, giving you the opportunity to gain different impressions.
The EXPO offers the opportunity to get to know the business projects and to learn more about the diversity of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management. You are in the right place if you are studying at the FH Kufstein Tirol, would like to study or are simply curious about how the practical projects provided in the curriculum work.
Video & presentations
All practical projects of the summer semester 2023 for the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Sports, Culture & Event Management can be read and viewed here.
SKVM VZ Bachelor 21
The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM VZ Bachelor 21:
- Eröffnungsfeier Nagel Austria GmbH Radfeld
- Indie Sunset 2023
- Kufstein24 2023
- TASC-UAM The Alpine Student Championship 2023
- VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 1: Rahmenprogramm Eröffnungs- und Schlussfeier
- VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 2: Rahmenprogramm Flower Ceremonies und Siegerehrungen
- VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 3: Kommunikation Content Social Media
Programme Opening Nagel-Group
On May 13, 2023, the new location of the Nagel-Group, a German company for food logistics, was ceremoniously opened in Radfeld, Tyrol. Inspired by the company’s slogan Connecting the World of Food the project aimed to connect employees and their families through good food, good music and an even better atmosphere.
Indie Sunset
In 2023 the Indie Sunset Festival, organized by 7 students of the Sports, Culture & Event Management program, took place for the 13th time. It tried to bring together music enthusiasts, to support artists and to make participants enjoy an unforgettable day.
Kufstein24 2023 was a 24-hour sports event that offered a diverse sports programme for children, students, adults and seniors.
This year's programme comprised active sports, workshops and athletic performances, an extensive children's programme and a lecture. Under the motto Sport connects, there was a wide range of activities for everyone.
TASC - UAM The Alpine Student Championship 2023
On 04 March 2023 the 11th Unisport Austria championship in Alpine skiing and snowboarding took place. The race was organized and realized by 6 students of the study program Sport- Culture and Event Management.
VIRTUS 2023 Group 1: Supporting Program Opening and Closing Ceremony
The Virtus World Skiing Championships are Alpine and Nordic competitions for athletes with mental disabilities which took place in Seefeld in Tyrol from the 11th until the 16th of March 2023. Project group 1 was responsible for organizing the opening and closing ceremony for all athletes and coaches. It also assisted group 2 with the Hüttenabend and the medal and flower ceremonies.
VIRTUS 2023 Group 2: Supporting Program Flower Ceremonies and Award Ceremonies
The Virtus World Skiing Championships are Alpine and Nordic competitions for athletes with mental disabilities which took place in Seefeld in Tyrol from the 11th until the 16th of March 2023. Project group 2 was responsible for organizing the flower and medal ceremonies after the races as well as a Hüttenabend for all athletes and coaches, and the volunteer management.
VIRTUS 2023 Group 3: Communication Content Social Media
The Virtus World Skiing Championships took place from March 11 - 17, 2023 in Seefeld in Tyrol and were medially supported by the project group social media through their own Instagram account.
SKVM BB Bachelor 21
The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM BB Bachelor 21:
- Höhenflug
- Kontakt in die Zukunft
- Krone-Herzensmensch
- kubi Kinderliteraturfestival
- Nachhaltigkeitswoche
The practical project Höhenflug is concerned with hosting the Instagram account hoehenflug_skvm, where weekly posts about studytrips, interviews of lecturers and practice projects as well as job postings are shared.
Kontakt in die Zukunft
Kontakt in die Zukunft is all about a hands-on panel discussion with an eye to the future and exciting networking opportunities. For this different speakers from the fields of sports, culture, and event management have been invited to discuss future chances, perspectives and much more.
The Krone-Herzensmensch project puts people who usually work in the background into the spotlight and appreciates their important contributions. As a partner of the Tiroler Krone, the project group is initially responsible for winning participants and for the subsequent planning and organizing of the gala for the award ceremony.
kubi Kinderliteraturfestival
Reading in the jungle - the two-day kubi children's literature festival aims to encourage children to read by offering quizzes, handicraft and games.
Organizing this practical project, 6 students divided different areas of responsibility among themselves. These were composed as follows: Marketing, Sponsoring, Program, Volunteers, Green Events, Catering and Schools.
Sustainability days 2023
A week dedicated to raising sustainable awareness, individual action and acting as part of the community. The project addresses topics like mobility, energy and food over a period of four days. The program includes lectures, workshops and various activities.
SKVM BB Master 22
The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM BB Master 22:
- Charity Riesenwuzzlerturnier
- EuroGames 2024 Vienna
- INFF – International Nature Film Festival: Tourstopp Kufstein
- Roundnet Cup Kufstein
Charity Riesenwuzzlerturnier
The Charity Riesenwuzzler Tournament powered by Vertex is a thrilling and top-class football event in which teams compete on the football field in Bruckhäusl to snatch the coveted title and to raise a considerable amount of money for the Schritt für Schritt association at the same time. Extensive fringe events like a goal-shooting wall, tombola, face painting for children and much more promise to delight the spectators .
EuroGames 2024 Vienna
The EuroGames are the largest multisports event at an amateur sports level in Europe, which is open for participation irrespective of gender identity or sexual orientation. As part of the project, the project group was responsible for the volunteer management process and related tasks.
INFF – International Nature Film Festival: Tour Stop Kufstein
As part of the International Nature Film Festival in Innsbruck, the students organized a tour stop in Kufstein screening extraordinary films on the subject of water and discussing risks and opportunities of the future. Moreover they organized a school excursion to the TIWAG waterworks for pupils from Kufstein.
Roundnet Cup Kufstein
Get together and have fun was the motto of the Roundnetcup Kufstein, which entered its second round in 2023. 21 teams of different levels participated in this sports event and were able to enthrall the spectators, showing deep commitment and fascinating strategic moves.
SKVM VZ Master 22
The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM VZ Master 22:
- Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2023
- My Way – Our Shared Experiences
- Pop-Up Events Innsbruck 2023
- Q+You
- Skate Night Kufstein
Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2023
The short film festival Kufstein enters its sixth round. In 2023 the project deals with current social challenges and brings into being cinematic visions on the question of "Who Am I?".
My Way – Our Shared Experiences
A group of students organized a series of interviews with graduates of the Sport, Culture & Event Management program at the FH Kufstein Tirol in the form of a webinar. They provided an inside view on the future dream jobs of students in the sports, culture and events sector.
Pop-Up Events Innsbruck 2023
The business project Pop-up Events Innsbruck wants to bring together the traditional and the modern side of Tyrolian culture and sport. Under the motto Alpine-urban six different pop-up Events will take place in the historic city centre of Innsbruck in September and October 2023.
Skate Night Kufstein
The students of this project group were planning a skate night in Kufstein on a track of several kilometres with music and side events. The event could not take place as it lacked approvals by the City of Kufstein due to shortness of time.
Q+You is about connecting and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community in Kufstein. The 7-member student team also wants to create more awareness for diversity in Kufstein and the region through various actions.
News of the FH Kufstein
Das Marshall-Plan-Stipendium bietet österreichischen Studierenden die Möglichkeit, an US-Universitäten zu forschen und transatlantische Netzwerke zu knüpfen. Lorenzo Zimmermann studiert dank des Stipendiums in San Francisco und forscht an Smart Cities.
Ab dem kommenden Wintersemester 2024/2025 ist der Abschluss eines internationalen Dual Degrees zwischen dem Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der Kufsteiner Fachhochschule und der Fakultät Maschinenbau der FH Schmalkalden in Deutschland möglich.