ERP Systems & Business Process Management PT
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Workflow Management

level of course unit


Learning outcomes of course unit

The graduate, the student:
* Knows the role of IT as a process enabler (benefits)
* Knows types of workflow systems
* Knows basic components of workflow automation in connection with workflow management and process monitoring
* Knows the importance of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
* Knows the most important software providers for WFMS and RPA
* Can model processes consistently (e.g. BPMN -> BPEL)
* Can identify, systematize and solve topic-related questions with suitable software tools
* Can create workflows in selected software

prerequisites and co-requisites

not applicable

course contents

* Basic terms: Business process, workflow, BPMS, WFMS, RPA, etc.
* Classification of WFMS/RPA; differentiation of ERP systems
* Historical development (from WFMS to BPMS to RPA)
* Architecture of WFMS/RPA systems
* Overview of process spectrum (from repetitive and predictable, to non-repetitive and unpredictable)
* From functional process models to executable process models
* Organizational and technical implementation

recommended or required reading

Richter-von Hagen, C., Stucky, W.: Business-Process- und Workflow-Management, Teubner, 2005
Fischermanns, G.: Praxishandbuch Prozessmanagement, Dr. Götz Schmidt, 2013
Allweyer, Th.: Geschäftsprozessmanagement, W3I, 2005
Gadatsch, A.: Grundkurs Geschäftsprozessmanagement, Springer, 2013
Hofbauer, G., Hellwig, C.: Professionelles Vertriebsmanagement: Der prozessorientierte Ansatz aus Anbieter- und Beschaffersicht, Publicis, 2016
Weske, M.: Business Process Management, Springer, 2012
Quarre, F.: Robotic Process Automation, O'Reilly, 2019

assessment methods and criteria

Written exam

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lecture, individual work with software, group work, presentation and discussion of tasks

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)

Dr. Richard Mayr

year of study


recommended optional program components

not applicable

course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)

not applicable