Festival Studies
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Symposium 2017

2nd edition: 3rd - 5th of May 2017

Discover New Horizons: Festival Studies @ Kufstein University of Applied Sciences

"Potential of Festivals to foster Local Empowerment and Cultural Sustainability"


Since the 1980’s (latest), festivals have established themselves as cultural institutions, with their own rules and effects in the cultural sector: In the field of performing arts, festivals often function as cultural producers by commissioning art pieces and performances. Film and music festivals transcend the boundaries of “high” and “low” culture, tearing down barriers between artists and audiences by selecting unusual performance venues.  Festivals are a “state of exception” and often serve as agents of aesthetic and social change. The symposium “Discover New Horizons – Festival Studies @ Kufstein University of Applied Sciences” intends to bring in knowhow and experience by festival organizers and by theorists and thus enforce the discourse and theory building about festivals. Its program and organization are possible thanks to the support of the Goethe-Institut, Kufsteinerland, and the FH Kufstein Tirol. The first edition of the symposium looked at the impacts of internationalization of festivals (audios of selected contributions can be pursued on our website). “Discover New Horizons 2” focuses on the potential of festivals for promoting cultural sustainability: This aims to raising awareness for ecological, social, and socio-political relations and effects.

Lecturers will follow these aspects from the perspective of applied and researched fields in case studies: Festival Director María Carrión presents the challenges and achievements of one of the most outstanding film festivals in the world, the FiSarahabased in the Dakhla refugee camp. The Tollwood Festival (Munich) is a pioneer for ecological sustainability: Stephanie Weigel, head of the sustainability department, goes into the strategies and programs responding to social and ecological sustainability. Results from academic research will be presented by Szilvia Nagy from the research organization LOCOP, dedicated to researching the sustainability of European Cultural Capitals from the perspective of institutions engaged in the cultural sector. Tanja C. Krainhöfer (media researcher and instigator of Film Festival Studies Germany), has analyzed the diversity of the Berlinaleprogram at the intersection of cultural policies and the film industry. Finally, two lecturers from different cultural contexts refer to different concepts of “folklore”: Estrella Sendra Fernandez (SOAS University London) reflects on the importance of cultural identity of the Senegalese FESFOP-Festival and the Austrian ethnologist Petra Streng examines the relation of tradition and innovation in Tyrol through festivals.

By organizing the symposium “Discover New Horizons: Festival Studies @ Kufstein University of Applied Sciences” we intend to bring in knowhow and experience by festival organizers as well as by theorists and thus enforce the discourse and theory building about festivals.

Discover New Horizons: Festival Studies @ Kufstein University of Applied Sciences is an initiative and event founded by Verena Teissl in the course of the study program Sports, Culture & Events Management.

Team & Contact

Prof. (FH ) Dr. Verena Teissl , program, Verena.Teissl@fh-kufstein.ac.at 

Angela Scalet, BA, project management, Angela.Scalet@fh-kufstein.ac.at 

Advisory Board

(in alphabetical order)

Christine Dollhofer (Artistic Director, Crossing Europe Linz)

Ulrich Fuchs (Deputy General Director and Program Director Linz 09, Marseille-Provence 2013)

Imke Grimmer (Advisor on Education and Discourses, Goethe-Institut)

Stefan Pühringer (CEO Kufsteinerland)

Laura Reptschik & Alyssa Wolter (Culture Officers, Austrian Students’ Union)

In Cooperation with


  • [1] See
    • Elfert, Jennifer (2009): Theaterfestivals. Geschichte und Kritik eines kulturellen Organisationsmodells, Bielefeld: transcript
    • Filipovic, Elena et al (ed) (2010): The Biennial Reader. Hatje Cantz-Verlag: Bergen & Ostfildern
    • Valck, Marijke de et al (2016): Film Festivals. History, Theory, Method, Practice. Routledge: London
    • Klaic, Dragan (2014): Festivals in Focus. Budapest: Central Europe University Press.
  • [2] Getz, Donald (2010): “The nature and scope of festival Studies”, International Journal of Event Management Research, p 1.
  • [3] Brocchi, Davide (2008): “The cultural dimension of sustainability”, in: Kagan, Sascha et al (eds.): Sustainability: a new frontier for the arts and cultures. Frankfurt am Main: VAS, pp 26-58.

Audios of selected lectures, presentations, CV`s & abstracts:

María Carrión | Executive Director, FiSahara International Film Festival, Madrid, Spain
Can film and media help liberate a people from occupation? The case of FiSahara FiSahara International Film Festival, Dakhla refugee camp, Western Sahara

Estrella Sendra Fernandez | PhD Candidate, Department of African Languages and Cultures, SOAS, University of London, United Kingdom
The International Festival of Folklore and Percussion of Louga (FESFOP). Sustainability and local impact year-round.
FESFOP - Festival of Folklore and Percussion, Louga, Senegal
Symposium Festival Studies 2017 Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, presentation, https://www.fh-kufstein.ac.at/Studieren/Master/Sports-Culture-Events-Management-VZ/Festival-Studies/Symposium-2017

Tanja C. Krainhöfer | Researcher and Initiator of the Studies on Film Festivals, Munich, Germany
The Berlinale - an unrestricted window? Examining the Diversity of the Berlin International Film Festival (1980-2016).

Elisabeth Mayerhofer | Cultural Political Advisor to the City Councillor of Cultural Affairs, Science and Sports of the City of Vienna, Austria
Cultural festivals: A new success formula for regional development?
Symposium Festival Studies 2017 Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, presentation and audio recording, https://www.fh-kufstein.ac.at/Studieren/Master/Sports-Culture-Events-Management-VZ/Festival-Studies/Symposium-2017

Szilvia Nagy | PhD Candidate, Founding Member of LOCOP - Local Operators' Platform
Deepening Participation: Towards a Sustainable European Capitals of Culture (ECoC)

Petra Streng | Ethnologist, Innsbruck, Austria
Festival of traditional arts and customs in the Alps. Ideas and views behind the social and cultural curtains

Stephanie Weigel | Director of Sustainability Management, Tollwood Festival, Munich, Germany
Festivals as environmental role models and agents for social change The Tollwood Festival, Munich, Germany
Symposium Festival Studies 2017 Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, presentation, https://www.fh-kufstein.ac.at/Studieren/Master/Sports-Culture-Events-Management-VZ/Festival-Studies/Symposium-2017

Press release

Please find the press release here.

Pictures of the Symposium 2017
