Lassen Sie sich von den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Menschen inspirieren. Unsere Studierenden haben verschiedene Persönlichkeiten interviewt, um herauszufinden, was sie anders machen und wie Sie selbst ihre Erfolgsstrategien anwenden können.
Language Courses
Whereas most of the regular courses held at FH Kufstein are taught in German, the courses of the International Program are all held in English. International students have the possibility to take German language courses as part of their academic program.
The FH Kufstein places great emphasis on offering students an international and multicultural education. Besides English, students have the possibility to choose from a range of other foreign languages. However, apart from these required courses, students may opt to participate in the foreign language courses offered by the FH Kufstein Tirol International Business School GmbH. These supplementary courses are not for credit, but students receive a certificate and take away a wealth of knowledge about language and culture.
The lectures and seminars organized by the International Program are held in English. Also, there are a number of courses, held in English, in the regular study programs at the FH Kufstein which are open to the students of the International Program. Furthermore, the students of the International Program are encouraged to take part in a German course during the semester.