Post Graduate

Strategic Marketing Management

level of course unit

1st Master cycle

Learning outcomes of course unit

The participants:
• know the general basics of marketing (offline & online)
• are able to set up and accompany strategic marketing campaigns (marketing controlling)
• are able to analyze the media and possibilities of digital dialog marketing, explain their advantages and disadvantages by means of examples and select the instruments suitable for the respective marketing objective
• are enabled to differentiate between central tools of performance marketing and are able to interpret key figures/KPIs in performance marketing
• have an understanding of the possibilities of search engine marketing (SEA) and search engine optimization (SEO)
• are able to use AI-supported tools and platforms to create, implement and optimize personalized marketing campaigns
• understand the importance of sustainability aspects in brand communication and can develop strategies to integrate these aspects credibly and effectively into their brand positioning

prerequisites and co-requisites


course contents

• Basics of marketing strategies (offline & online)
• Digital media and tools, communication and marketing tools
• Basics of social media marketing and aspects of viral marketing/digital word of mouth via social media
• Overview of customer experience management and the two constituent blocks of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
• Customer journey and changing consumer behavior on the web
• Strategies and possible applications of CRM for customer loyalty
• Options for addressing target groups via targeting and aspects of tracking user activities (segmentation strategies)
• Support options along the customer journey and linking the increasing number of customer contact points (touchpoints)
• Use of artificial intelligence to personalize and automate marketing campaigns
• Integration of sustainability aspects into brand communication and positioning

recommended or required reading

• Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Opresnik, M.O. (2017): Marketing-Management: Konzepte-Instrumente-Unternehmensfallstudien
• Homburg, C. (2016) Marketingmanagement: Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung - Unternehmensführung
• Lammenett, E. (2019): Praxiswissen Online-Marketing - Affiliate- und E-Mail-Marketing, Suchmaschinenmarketing, Online-Werbung, Social Media, Facebook-Werbung
• Kamps, I., Schetter, D. (2017): Performance Marketing: Der Wegweiser zu einem mess- und steuerbaren Marketing – Einführung in Instrumente, Methoden und Technik. Springer Gabler.
• Beilharz, F., Kattau, N., Kratz, K., Kopp, O., Probst, A. (2017): Der Online-Marketing-Manager: Handbuch für die Praxis. O'Reilly.

assessment methods and criteria

Portfolio work

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

ILV (Blended Learning, Inverted Classroom)

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)

Prof. (FH) Dr. Kristina Kampfer

year of study


recommended optional program components


course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)
