Mag.a Muna Duzdar probiert die HoloLens an der FH Kufstein Tirol aus
Foto von Mag.a Muna Duzdar mit der HoloLens auf dem Kopf und zwei Studierenden der FH, die sie ihr erklären

A center for digitalization: Austrian State Secretary Mag.a Muna Duzdar visits FH Kufstein Tirol

18.04.2017 | General
During her visit to the Tyrol, Mag.a Muna Duzdar visited the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences. In a meeting and testing practical examples, the State Secretary for Digitalization gained insight into the range of activities at the FH Kufstein Tirol.

The State Secretary for Digitalization visited the FH Kufstein Tirol during her tour across the western Austrian region. Mag.a Muna Duzdar from the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ) decided to visit the institution as an active promoter of digitalization.

Digitalization in administration, teaching and research

The Rector of the FH Kufstein Tirol, Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Mario Döller, presented the wide range of digitalization activities taking place at the institution. He explained current activities based on selected examples from research, teaching and administration. The FH Kufstein Tirol wants to share its expertise and organizes events and workshops for the public on a regular basis. Examples include the events "Prepared for the future in a digital world" or "Tangible digitalization", carried out in cooperation with the regional Chamber of Commerce (WKO).Prof. (FH) Dr. Roman Stöger, Professor for International Business Economics and Strategic Management at the FH Kufstein Tirol, also took part in the conversation. He is a member of the Digitalization Expert Group of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs.

"It is an honor to see that there is so much interest in our institution from the political side and that our digitalization activities are valued," said FH-Rector Döller. "We had a fruitful discussion with State Secretary Duzdar. We work together to achieve shared goals, in particular when it comes to social issues such as inclusion and accessibility."

HoloLens, 3D printers and VR glasses as practical examples

State Secretary Mag.a Muna Duzdar also had the opportunity to test some of the devices used in the FH Kufstein Tirol's LEAN Lab. One of them was the HoloLens – glasses which display holograms in the field of view and are used to visualize production processes, among other things. The HoloLens allows to explain complex tasks using simple video instructions. It also avoids language barriers and reduces the time required for initial training. The State Secretary also talked to a voice-controlled digital assistant which looked up definitions on the internet and answered related questions. Wearing VR glasses, Muna Duzdar visited a virtual museum and had a look around the virtual campus of the FH Kufstein Tirol in two virtual reality environments. She also received a 3D-printed model of the Wilder Kaiser mountain range as a gift from the FH-Rector, Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Mario Döller. 

"My visit to the FH Kufstein Tirol showed in how many different ways the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences implements and explores the field of digitalization. And it was fun to be allowed to test some of the devices," concluded the State Secretary following her visit. "Digitalization is crucial and leads to substantial progress in many areas. The FH Kufstein Tirol has taken on an active role in this field and works on a number of exciting projects. It also promotes a sustainable communication of the results."
