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Lecturer (external) for Business English

Ref.Nr.: 27-24 | starting Winter semester 2024 | Occupation as external lecturer – no employment relationship

What you can expect from us:

  • You will teach business English for academic and professional purposes at levels B2 to C2 of the CEFR to students of all faculties for 4.5 semester hours per week (SWS).
  • You will collaborate with the language instructor team and the Language Center in the implementation of a standardized curriculum and the development of examinations

What you bring with you:

  • You have a relevant university education with a Master's degree or a comparable qualification
  • You also already have professional experience in teaching language skills
  • You are willing to take advantage of further training opportunities offered by the Language Center

What we offer you:

  • A job at a recognized university of applied sciences in the field of languages
  • The opportunity to impart knowledge and skills to students

Das Entgelt richtet sich nach den im Language Center vorgegebenen Sätzen unserer Fachhochschule und beträgt ab 01.10.2024 EUR 83,60/Lehreinheit.

The salary is EUR 83.60/instructional hour as of October, 1st, 2024. Initial contact via e-Mail to

We highly appreciate your online-application by using the following link: Speculative Application for Lecturers or kindly use the possibility to send your application to!

Salary: EUR 83,60/instructional hour
Application Deadline: none.
Travel Expenses: Travel expenses in connection with the application will not be reimbursed.


Neuschmid Elisabeth
Elisabeth Neuschmid, BA
Human Resource Management
+43 5372 71819 327

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