Medical Care
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Medical Care

In case of illness or injury, you can either contact a local doctor or the hospital.

A listing of local doctors and their office hours can be found in the printed ECTS Guide which you got at the IRO. At night and on weekends there is always a doctor on duty, too; please see the locals papers for information about which doctor is available and how to contact him/her. Via this website you can also search for the doctor who is on duty.

The hospital staff can also assist you with medical advice or services. The hospital is located in the southern outskirts of Kufstein and can be easily reached by public transportation or taxi (for emergency transportation, call the ambulance at 144). Their address and phone number is:

A.ö. Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein
Endach 27, 6330 Kufstein
Tel: +43 5372 6966-0

In case of an emergency, please call the ambulance service Red Cross at 144 from any phone. They will provide first-aid treatment and, if necessary, transport the patient to the hospital for further care.

Medication may be obtained only in pharmacies and only with a prescription. The pharmacies in the area also have a rotating schedule to serve customers during the night and on weekends. Information about which pharmacies are open can be found in the local newspapers or on the bulletin board beside the door of every pharmacy.

In Kufstein there are 3 pharmacies:

  • Obere Stadtapotheke, Krankenhausgasse
  • Untere Stadtapotheke, Unterer Stadtplatz
  • Festungsapotheke, Kinkstraße

Important telephone numbers:

  • Police 133
  • Ambulance / Red Cross 144
  • Fire Department 122
  • Mountain Rescue 140
  • Car breakdown ÖAMTC 120 or ARBÖ 123
  • Euro emergency 112

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