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Studienjahr 2016/17

Business Blueprint for Special Olympic Events 05.03.2017

The aim was to create a business blueprint for the implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) as a digital enhancement solution for a mega-event.

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FH Kufstein Tirol is one of Austria's best employers 01.03.2017

The business magazine “trend”, together with Statista, kununu and Xing, identified Austria's top 300 employers. The Kufstein University of Applied Sciences ranks among the best in the country.

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Three events – a unique success story: Facility & Real Estate Management at the FH Kufstein Tirol 16.02.2017

The WinterCongress is known in Kufstein and beyond. The WinterSchool brings together students from all over the world who worked on an exciting project. The latest addition to the event series is BusinessConversation, a job fair for the FM and REM industries.

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The influence of music on consumers‘ risk-taking behavior 15.02.2017

This research aims at identifying a potential direct influence of music on consumers’ risk taking behavior.

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International eduroam research network at the FH Kufstein Tirol 14.02.2017

Students and staff of all member institutions have received access to the eduroam internet network at the FH Kufstein Tirol.

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Digitalization in the energy industry from the perspective of the Stadtwerke Bamberg utility company 01.02.2017

Dr.-Ing. Michael Fiedeldey illustrated how digitalization transforms the energy industry.

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Toyota KATA workshop for senior managers 31.01.2017

Twelve representatives from five different companies in Tyrol, Austria, and the Rosenheim region in Germany took part in the LEAN Lab workshop at the FH Kufstein Tirol on January 23rd and 24th, 2017.

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FH Kufstein Tirol researchers receive funding from the Tyrolean Research Fund for outstanding projects 30.01.2017

Three researchers and four junior researchers from the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences have been granted financial support for their projects.

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Incoming students explore the FH Kufstein Tirol learning labs 19.01.2017

Incoming students from all over the world worked in the labs of the Kufstein University of Applied Sciences and gained valuable insights into engineering as part of the lectures on information system management and rapid product development.

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Out of the Box. 16.01.2017

Organized by four master students of Sports, Culture & Events Management, the goal of this project was to provide a unique and authentic event.

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New Chairmen of the Board at FH Kufstein Tirol-Private Foundation 21.12.2016

The new Chairmen of the Board, Dr. Herbert Marschitz and Franz Mayer, assumed their office on December 21, 2016. Their predecessors, Dr. Siegfried Dillersberger and Ing. Hans Treichl, boast an impressive track record over a six-year term of office.

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New Master's program merges digitization and engineering 07.12.2016

The Smart Products and Solutions* study program will be offered as a part-time program at the FH Kufstein Tirol, starting in the 2017/2018 winter term. The Master’s degree program combines traditional engineering, IT and economics to close a skill gap in busin

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News of the FH Kufstein

Spannende Innovation Expedition im Rahmen einer Kurzzeitmobilität für Studierende in Litauen

Studierende des Studiengangs Unternehmensführung der Kufsteiner Fachhochschule nahmen erfolgreich an einem Blended Intensive Program in Vilnius teil. Im Vordergrund standen transnationale Zusammenarbeit und kultureller Austausch.

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Neuer Instagram-Kanal der FH Kufstein Tirol stellt Praxisprojekte und Events ins Rampenlicht

Studierende des Studiengangs Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol eröffnen den Instagram-Kanal fhkuf_eventsandprojects. Hier bekommen die Follower einen umfassenden Einblick in die vielzähligen Praxisprojekte.

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Pint of Science Festival erstmalig zu Gast in Kufstein

Das jährlich stattfindende Wissenschaftsfestival hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die Öffentlichkeit über aktuelle wissenschaftliche Entwicklungen zu informieren. Dafür halten Wissenschaftler:innen Vorträge an öffentlichen Orten wie Kneipen und Cafés. In Kufstein fand das Festival im BAU! statt.

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