

Welcome to EXPOnline!

Experience the world of business projects of the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Sports, Culture & Event Management.

What exactly is the EXPOnline?

The EXPO is a platform on which all business projects of the winter semester 2022/2023 of the students of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs Sports, Culture & Event Management are presented.

The EXPO offers the opportunity to get to know the business projects and to learn more about the diversity of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management. You are in the right place if you are studying at the FH Kufstein Tirol, would like to study or are simply curious about how the business projects provided in the curriculum work.

How does the EXPOnline work?

The event will take place on January 27, 2023 starting at 13:00 via MS Teams Livestream. Exciting business projects of the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Sport, Culture & Event Management will be presented by the executing project groups and will be available to answer questions in an interview.

All business projects of the winter semester 2022/2023 of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs Sports, Culture & Event Management can be found for reading and viewing on this website.

Exponline Wintersemester 2023/24

Die EXPOnline bietet Einblicke in die Praxisprojekte des Studienganges Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement des Wintersemesters 2023/24.

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EXPOnline summer semester 2023

The EXPOnline offers insights into the business projects of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management of the summer semester 2023.

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EXPOnline Winter Semester 2022/23

The EXPOnline offers insights into the business projects of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management from the winter semester 2022/23. 

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News of the FH Kufstein

Spannende Innovation Expedition im Rahmen einer Kurzzeitmobilität für Studierende in Litauen

Studierende des Studiengangs Unternehmensführung der Kufsteiner Fachhochschule nahmen erfolgreich an einem Blended Intensive Program in Vilnius teil. Im Vordergrund standen transnationale Zusammenarbeit und kultureller Austausch.

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Neuer Instagram-Kanal der FH Kufstein Tirol stellt Praxisprojekte und Events ins Rampenlicht

Studierende des Studiengangs Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol eröffnen den Instagram-Kanal fhkuf_eventsandprojects. Hier bekommen die Follower einen umfassenden Einblick in die vielzähligen Praxisprojekte.

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Pint of Science Festival erstmalig zu Gast in Kufstein

Das jährlich stattfindende Wissenschaftsfestival hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die Öffentlichkeit über aktuelle wissenschaftliche Entwicklungen zu informieren. Dafür halten Wissenschaftler:innen Vorträge an öffentlichen Orten wie Kneipen und Cafés. In Kufstein fand das Festival im BAU! statt.

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