EXPOnline Winter Semester 2022/23

EXPOnline Winter Semester 2022/23

Welcome to EXPOnline!

Experience the world of business projects of the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Sports, Culture & Event Management.

What exactly is the EXPOnline?

The EXPO is a platform on which all business projects of the winter semester 2022/2023 of the students of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs Sports, Culture & Event Management are presented.

The EXPO offers the opportunity to get to know the business projects and to learn more about the diversity of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management. You are in the right place if you are studying at the FH Kufstein Tirol, would like to study or are simply curious about how the business projects provided in the curriculum work.

How does the EXPOnline work?

The event took place on January 27, 2023 via livestream.

All practical projects of the winter semester 2022/2023 of the bachelor's and master's programs Sport, Culture & Event Management can be found for review and viewing on this website.


SKVM VZ Bachelor 21

The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM VZ Bachelor 21:

  • Indie Sunset 2023
  • Kufstein24 2023
  • Kufstein Darts Games 2023
  • Kulturerlebnis Jenische
  • TASC-UAM The Alpine Student Championship 2023
  • VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 1: Rahmenprogramm Eröffnungs- und Schlussfeier
  • VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 2: Rahmenprogramm Flower Ceremonies und Siegerehrungen
  • VIRTUS 2023 Gruppe 3: Kommunikation Content Social Media

Indie Sunset 2023

The Indie Sunset Festival is a business project of students of the study program Sports, Culture & Event Management, which goes on May 6, 2023 in the 13th round. In addition to bands from the indie/indie rock genre, the visitors will also have an unforgettable experience with numerous side events.

Kufstein24 2023

Kufstein24 is a 24-hour sports event that brings everyone closer to diverse sports. The program is composed of workshops, active sports, a children's program, sporting performances, and lectures, with the motto "Sport connects" there will be a versatile offer for all people.

Kufstein Darts Games 2023

The Kufstein Darts Games are a two-day tournament where students, professional & amateur players compete against each other for the glorious victory.

Kulturerlebnis Jenische

„Without a home“, „travelers“, „outlawed“: The people of the yenish culture have been called a lot, especially due to their history with discrimination, exclusion and poverty, however, who the yenish truly represent is often forgotten. The Event “Culture Experience Yenish” (Translated from german: “Kulturerlebnis Jenische”) opens up a room filled with encounter opportunities, exchange and a focus on raising awareness and additionally can be seen as a restitution of the human dignity of this “forgotten” minority.

TASC-UAM The Alpine Student Championship 2023

The TASC guarantees not only an exciting race for the Alpine Student Championship in ski and snowboard, but also a lot of atmosphere, fun and good mood in the visitors' area..

VIRTUS 2023 Group 1: Supporting program opening and closing ceremony

The project includes the planning, implementation and follow-up of the opening and closing ceremonies for the VIRTUS Ski World Championships from 11 - 17 March 2023 in Seefeld in Tyrol for winter sports athletes with mental disabilities. The business project group supports the local organizing committee in the planning for the Seefeld Ski Club as the client and helps to design a supporting program for the two ceremonies under the motto "A celebration of friendship".

VIRTUS 2023 Group 2: Supporting program Flower Ceremonies and Award Ceremonies

The Virtus World Skiing Championships are alpine and nordic competitions for athletes with mental disabilities which will take place in Seefeld in Tyrol from the 11th until the 17th of March 2023, during which group 2 is responsible for organizing the flower and medal ceremonies after the races as well as a “Hüttenabend” for all athletes and coaches.

VIRTUS 2023 Group 3: Communication Content Social Media

The Virtus World Skiing Championships for people with mental disabilities will take place from March 11 to 17 in Seefeld in Tyrol and will be presented and accompanied by the social media group in order to make many people aware of the event in advance, but also to be able to ensure good coverage during the event and afterward.

SKVM BB Bachelor 20

The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM BB Bachelor 20:

  • Diversity Matters
  • Höhenflug
  • Kontakt in die Zukunft
  • Weinverkostung

Diversity Matters

As part of the project “Diversity Matters”, the podcast “Generational diversity at work” was launched, where employers and employees from different generations from the fields of sport, culture and events talk about their needs, expectations, and desires in the professional world.


In the business project "Höhenflug", the Instagram channel of the Sports, Culture & Event Management degree programme is supervised, which serves to offer students of the FH Kufstein Tirol – University of Applied Sciences additional value by posting insights into the facilities, the activities of the SCEM degree programme and other creative content regarding student life.


According to the motto „It’s wine o’clock – experience wine with different flavours” wine has been tasted in the Panorama 1830. On the basis the 4 different flavours sweet, salty, sour and umami the chance in the taste of the wine should be recognized.

Contact in the Future

At the event evening "Contact in the Future" students meet managers from the sports, culture and event sector, who talk about their activities, future challenges and job perspectives in the respective areas.

SKVM BB Master 21

The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM BB Master 21:

  • kubidays 2023
  • Out of the Box
  • Potenziale des Sports: Fluchtmigration und Sozialkapital (Interviewforschung)
  • JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Charity
  • JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Let's go JWSC


With the slogan "We are kubi", the student group shows young people between the ages of 12 and 14 how unusual and cool a library can be as part of the event kubidays. A digital rally, an Escape Room, workshops, a spooky reading and a spooky movie evening ensure plenty of excitement and a varied program.

Out of the Box

With “Out of the Box”, items that are no longer needed are exchanged for coins, which in turn can be traded for other items, with the overall goal of promoting sustainability. The event will be accompanied by a relaxed social program with music and catering.

Potentials of Sports - Refugee Migration & Social Capital

Within the scope of the project, the potentials of sports regarding refugee migration and social capital are explored. The inventory includes the perspective of the clubs as well as the refugees. The main objectives of the study are: To derive recommendations for action in practice, to develop standard and best practice guidelines for organized sport in Austria and to capture the different facets of the two perspectives, by means of qualitative research.

JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Charity

During the "JWSC" and the "Women's AUDI FIS Ski World Cup" in St. Anton at the Arlberg, snowmen will once again be built for a good cause in January 2023. In cooperation with "Netzwerk Tirol hilft", all donations will go to single parents in Tyrol.

JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Let's go JWSC

The project group had the task of bringing together professional skiing and schools from the surrounding area as part of the FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championships in St. Antong am Arlberg from January 16 to 25. School classes were invited to participate in this major sporting event.

SKVM VZ Master 21

The following business projects were realized by the students of SKVM VZ Master 21:

  • JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Staging Icefall
  • Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2022
  • Lektor Selektor
  • Pop-Up Altstadtkonzerte Alte Musik Innsbruck 2022
  • Q+You
  • Social Media Campaign #newcheapnature

JWSC 2023 St. Anton: Staging Icefall

Staging Eisfall was a business project by SKVM vzM21 in cooperation with the St. Anton am Arlberg Tourism Association to develop new marketing concepts around the Kandahar Downhill and the Women's World Cup.

Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein 2022

The fifth anniversary edition of the Kurzfilmfestival Kufstein took place on November 24, 2022 in the Kultur Quartier Kufstein, and inspired more than 120 visitors with eight international short films and a diverse side program around the theme "Ordinary Heroes".

Lektor Selektor

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, four students from the master degree program in Sport, Culture & Event Management were able to organize the long-awaited and popular DJ competition Lektor Selektor for teachers at FH Kufstein Tirol. At the fourth edition of the event, teachers from different study programs competed against each other to present their DJ skills and emerge as the winner.


Pop-Up Concerts Early Music Innsbruck 2022

In the business project ‘Pop-Up Concerts Early Music Innsbruck’ the students of the master’s degree program Sports, Culture & Event Management cooperate with the Tourism Board Innsbruck in order to create 8 Pop-Up concerts and 1 Flashmob in which the Old Town of Innsbruck meets Music from the 15th to 19th century.


The business project Q+You has as a goal to create more awareness for LGBTQIA+ topics in Kufstein and its surroundings. The main event of this semester was the Pride Parade, which took place for the first time in Kufstein on October 15, 2022. In addition, several small regulars' tables were held again, where interested people and the community could exchange ideas in the context of this open evening.

Social Media Campaign #newcheapnature

Business project - #NewCheapNature, was a social media campaign focused on sustainability and
promotion of a “less is more” approach which culminated with a call to action to Instagram users
to send pictures and short stories of their favourite “good-old” T-shirts – as an encouragement for
a sustainable use of resources.

News of the FH Kufstein

Karrierewege im Fokus: Interviews mit erfolgreichen Persönlichkeiten

Lassen Sie sich von den Erfahrungen erfolgreicher Menschen inspirieren. Unsere Studierenden haben verschiedene Persönlichkeiten interviewt, um herauszufinden, was sie anders machen und wie Sie selbst ihre Erfolgsstrategien anwenden können.

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Mehr als Mode und Moneten

Interessante Einblicke und Erkenntnisse sammelten die Studierenden des Masterstudiengangs Internationale Wirtschaft & Management auf ihrem Study Trip nach Mailand. Der Fokus lag auf erfolgreichem exportieren – nach Italien und darüber hinaus. Natürlich kamen Kultur und Genuss auch nicht zu kurz.

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GREENE 4.0-Team bei 7. Internationale Konferenz für Technologie und Geschäftsmodelle der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Während der dreitägigen Veranstaltung in Portoroz, Slowenien tauschten sich die Projektverantwortlichen der FH Kufstein Tirol mit acht weiteren Partner:innen aus und nahmen am Design Thinking Camp für das zweite Arbeitspaket teil.

Learn more