Within the context of their bachelor theses, students of the study program Business Management work on various business administration topics, which are illuminated both from a practical and a scientific point of view. The quality of some of works is exceptional and above-average, and these theses are then published in relevant journals. The students write the respective essays together with their supervisors. Their works contain the most essential research results and practical recommendations for action. Previously published essays by our students are listed in the following. Please contact us if you require more information with regard to content.
Die Digitalisierung sorgt für eine nachhaltige Veränderung des Kaufverhaltens. Zunehmend etabliert sich der Onlinehandel und der Vertrieb der Warengruppe Kleidung und Schuhe trägt maßgeblich zu dessen Wachstum bei. Denn insbesondere die Modebranche befindet sich in einer Strukturkrise, die sich negativ auf den stationären Modehandel auswirkt. Daher steht diese Warengruppe vor einem kollektiven Sanierungsfall. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich deshalb dem Online-Kaufverhalten von Kleidung und Schuhen. Mittels einer quantitativen Datenerhebung werden ausgewählte Forschungsfragen untersucht, aus deren Ergebnissen relevante Praxisimplikationen abgeleitet werden.
Bearbeitet von:
Annabel Acker, UF.vzB.19
Publiziert in:
Kampfer, K., & Acker, A. (2022). Onlinehandel im Wandel – Wie die Krise das Einkaufsverhalten beeinflusst. Krisen-, Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, 18(5), 232-236.
Brand piracy in the electronics industry is an increasingly relevant risk factor for both companies and private individuals. In view of the growing demand for counterfeit products, companies need to take active steps to protect both the users of their electronic devices and their own brands (Markenverband e.V., 2008, 13ff.). In this regard, users play a key role in brand management. Based on the results of a quantitative survey of users of electronic devices, this paper suggests approaches that companies can use to strategically prevent brand piracy with the help of their users. The central challenge in brand management is to develop targeted anti-piracy measures to protect against counterfeit electronic products and to reduce demand for them.
Study conducted by:
Sophia Scheibe, UF.vzB.19 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Kampfer, K. & Scheibe, S. (2021). Echt oder Fake? Markenpiraterie in der Elektroindustrie – können Nutzer helfen? transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 67(4), 78-83.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is influencing the economy and our society and is changing consumer behavior. Product-specific developments can be observed, for which there are various reasons and triggers. As a result, the food supply industry is facing challenges that need to be addressed. This paper considers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on purchasing behavior in the context of the food supply industry. Selected research questions are investigated based on expert interviews and an analysis of sales figures of the food retail industry.
Study conducted by:
Trajana Erlenberg, UF.vzB.19 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Erlenberg, T. M. L., Sorrentino, G., & Situm, M. (2021). Konsumentenverhalten und Lebensmittelversorgung unter Corona-Bedingungen: Welche Auswirkungen hat die Pandemie-Krise auf das Kaufverhalten im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel? Krisen-, Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, 17(5), 232-238.
In any industry, a functioning value chain is a key element for companies to implement their own business models and to ultimately generate a profit margin securing their continued existence. In light of these considerations, the influence of the external COVID-19 crisis on the value chain of tourism businesses in Tyrol was analyzed within the framework of a qualitative research design. The results show that the influence was felt in almost all activities and that entrepreneurs tried to counteract the crisis using a wide variety of measures. Probably the most important step in overcoming the difficulties in the best possible way was to reduce unnecessary variable costs (e.g., in purchasing, marketing, etc.). A particularly helpful lifeline was the option of putting employees on ‘short-time work,’ Austria’s government-subsidized furlough scheme. Businesses could also use the time during which guests were absent to analyze their own company structures so that opportunities for the future could be identified. However, even after a possible end to the COVID-19 crisis, further challenges remain, namely when it comes to resuming operations as quickly and as smoothly as possible. Here, the issues of staff shortages, plannability, supply chain disruptions, and generating sales and profits will take on a special role for which businesses need to be appropriately prepared.
Study conducted by:
Carina Mader, UF.vzB.19 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Mader, C., & Situm, M. (2021). Wertketten-Analyse nach externen Betriebskrisen. Tourismus Wissen - quarterly, 24, 160-166.
It is well known from both the literature and practical experience that a crisis requires communication that is tailored to the situation. The increasing use of social media in the context of digital marketing has expanded the range of communication channels for companies, and influencer marketing plays a particularly important role in this context. Influencers are people who convey messages to the target audience directly and in an unfiltered way via social media. In this article, their role is examined more closely within the context of a crisis. Selected research questions are discussed and overarching themes identified on the basis of expert interviews.
Study conducted by:
Annalena Grüner, UF.vzB.17 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Grüner, A. (2021). Influencer-Marketing in der Reputations- und Strategiekrise: Ist der Einsatz von digital Opinion Leader eine geeignete Restrukturierungsmaßnahme? Krisen-, Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, 17(1), 21-26.
A shortage of staff and skilled workers as well as high fluctuation rates pose a particular challenge for the hotel and catering industry. In order to position yourself attractively as an employer, employer branding is a key factor that is breaking new ground in this area. This raises the question of how the attractiveness of the employer can be increased in general. In addition to a presentation of the theory of employer branding, data points in the hotel and catering industry in the Kitzbühel Alps were collected to answer this question as part of quantitative empirical research. Recommendations for companies are derived on the basis of the results. Possibilities for how even small companies without a lot of capital can increase their attractiveness as employers are shown.
Processed by:
Jennifer Koller, UF18
Published in:
Kampfer, K., Koller, J. (2020). Employer Branding goes Tourism. Tourismus Wissen - quarterly, 22, 305-308.
Within the context of this study, 114 Austrian SMEs were surveyed with regard to various questions pertaining to the financial instrument of factoring. The aim was to investigate to what extent factoring and its functions are known, what advantages and disadvantages businesses associate with this form of financing, and how they assess future developments in this field.
Study conducted by:
Elias Ellemunt, UF.vzB.17 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Ellemunt, E. (2020). Factoring als alternative Finanzierungsform für KMU in Österreich? Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme. Corporate Finance, 11(9/10), 268-275.
According to the prevailing opinion, the CAPM and the calculation of the beta that it contains have established themselves in enterprise valuation theory and practice. The prevalence of the model is implicitly substantiated by the guidelines of IDW S1 in which the basic determination of enterprise valuation must be made according to the earnings value method and/or discounted cash flow method (DCF). However, in practice, it can be observed that when estimating the three parameters (a risk-free interest rate, market-risk premium, and company beta) there are sometimes large differences between valuators. These differences can be explained by the information asymmetry existing in the financial industry where the investor (or valuator) has different amounts of information for conducting the valuation, which causes differing estimations. The goal of the study was to find out which factors really must be taken into account for evaluation processes when determining equity costs of SMUs and how to proceed for determining the individual parameters of the CAPM.
Developed by:
Samuel Schildgen, UF.vzB.16
Published by:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Schildgen, S. (2020). Determining equity costs for small and medium-sized companies for an enterprise valuation with the CAPM taken into account: results of a survey of experts. M&A Review, 31(3), 60-66.
Companies use influencers as brand ambassadors and multipliers to reach their target groups, in particular young customers, through neutral and approachable advocates. Studies have shown that influencers have an impact on the purchase decision process, which is why companies are also increasingly interested in cooperating with them. The way followers perceive influencers, also against the backdrop of sponsored posts, at times determines how an influencer’s messages are classified. Following the Elaboration Likelihood Model, this study surveyed 290 participants regarding their assessment of the truthfulness of influencer posts, with a particular focus on sponsored posts. The results show, among other things, that with increasing perceived honesty and trustworthiness of the influencer, the attributed truth content of influencer posts is rated higher. This results in a higher informational relevance of the influencer’s messages, which in turn has an effect on the purchase decision process.
Study conducted by:
Annalena Grüner, UF.vzB.17 (Business Management, full-time)
Published in:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Grüner, A. (2019). Effekte der Influencer-Wahrnehmung auf den Follower unter Berücksichtigung von Sponsored Posts. transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 65(4), 48-53.
Insolvency rates in the tourism industry have been on the rise in Austria since 2013. However, this development alone does not depict the true extent of difficulties in the industry since there are still many companies that are in crisis and in danger of insolvency. Principally, the following applies: The earlier a crisis is recognized, the more cost-effective and expedient the initiated turnaround measures. The Balanced Score Card (BSC) is a possible instrument for early detection. The aspect of sustainability, which can be integrated with various approaches and parameters, should be especially important for such an instrument so that a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) can be developed and utilized. The article states which values an SBSC should include from a practical and scientific point of view and how such a scorecard should be explicitly designed for the tourism industry in order to achieve sustainable and long-term success.
Developed by:
Raphael Lechner, UF.vzB.16
Published by:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Lechner, R. (2019). Sustainability Balanced Scorecard im Tourismus. Tourismus Wissen - quarterly, 16, 99-104
Digital transformation in the area of supply chain management is becoming increasingly important in order for companies to maintain their competitive edge. The goal of the present study is to determine which technologies are relevant in today’s supply chain management, which are already being used and which can still be improved. Austrian companies were surveyed and the gained insights evaluated.
Developed by:
Christina Michaela Noppinger, UF.vzB.14
Published by:
Situm, M., & Noppinger, C. M. (2019). Herausforderungen im Supply Chain Management: Studie zum Einsatz relevanter Technologien im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 88(2), 83–90.
A brief summary of the results of the study is available here.
Online evaluations have meanwhile become an integral part in the information procurement process of customers. Whether for restaurant, product or even employer evaluations, everyone has the opportunity to state his or her opinion more or less anonymously – more or less objectively – and thereby act as a critic, consultant and the voice of the people. Experiential reports in form of symbolic stars or even verbalized critiques have meanwhile become part of the research process of customers and are thereby integrated in the decision-making process for purchases. The article is focused on determining the importance or power of these evaluations.
Developed by:
Thorsten Hein, UF.vzB.15
Published by:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Hein, T. (2018). Der Einfluss von Online-Bewertungen auf Kaufentscheidungen: Müssen Unternehmen umdenken? Marke41, 6, 8-13.
The relevance of influencer marketing has greatly increased in recent years and will continue to do so as long as social networking advances since companies, in the wake of the far-reaching social media range of influencers can provide a further digital touch point and benefit from the viral dynamism of utilized media. The basic form and effect of influencer marketing is not a totally new phenomenon as merely the stage and channel have been adapted to digital communications usage and trends. Within the context of performed interviews for influencers and marketing experts, the terms opportunities and risks of influencer marketing are discussed and contrasted from a double perspective and measures derived for operational practice.
Developed by:
Annachiara Hinteregger, UF.vzB.14
Published by:
Situm, M., Sorrentino, G., & Hinteregger, A. (2018). Influencer Marketing aus der Praktikerperspektive: Wie kann man eine gezielte Nutzung für Unternehmen erreichen? Marketing Review St. Gallen, 35(5), 66-75.