
Expected learning outcomes

1. Students of the bachelor degree programs will have developed three distinctive skill areas by the time they graduate.

Foundation, core and complementary competencies

  • The foundation competencies refer to the solid, theoretical and conceptional understandings of the basic economic disciplines that graduates have acquired.
  • The core competencies represent the graduates’ ability to draw on the specialized knowledge they have acquired in their respective study programs and apply it in corporate settings for the purpose of solving problems or overcoming challenges. To support students in cultivating these competencies, the curricula do not include just lectures but also a broad range of practically-oriented courses in which students can apply their knowledge: case studies, projects, integrated courses, seminars, excursions, and business simulations.
  • The complementary competencies refer to the graduates’ ability to deal successfully with others in interactive and intercultural situations. During their studies, students encounter numerous intercultural challenges and international relationships, which put them in a position where they have to apply their acquired knowledge in global contexts – exactly there where business life unfolds nowadays. Students deal intensively with international and intercultural topics, they study together with exchange students from more than 190 international partner universities of the FH Kufstein, and they discuss issues with faculty members from all over the world. In short, through their studies, students develop the ability to effectively apply the acquired foundation and core competencies in international contexts.

2. Students of the master degree programs will have developed two distinctive skill areas by the time they graduate.

Core and complementary competencies

  • The core competencies are expanded and/or consolidated skills necessary for effectively managing people, companies, departments, projects, situations, etc. in the industry. This competency base allows graduates to deeply analyze and conceptualize problems and solutions, in particular by calling on scientific research and methods to support their thinking and actions. In this sense, the core competencies are the stepping stones to the professionalization of one’s management practices.
  • The complementary competencies include a number of skills essential for interacting effectively with others in professional environments: advanced presentation and moderation techniques, conflict management, intercultural competencies, as well as techniques for planning, making decisions and negotiating.

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