
Examination Regulations, Evaluation and Grading


The rules and guidelines that apply to the degree programs and studies are based upon

The general study and examination regulations are also referred to in the Training Contract; in this respect, it is part of the contract between the student and the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol.

The following provisions and further information are published on the website of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol:


Examinations & Overall Assessment of Qualifications

Student examinations are subject to the General Study and Examination Regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol, cf. Item 2.2 Assessment and Organization of Examinations.

The assessment of the bachelor's board examination and the final master's examination are based on the performance assessment of the General Study and Examination Regulations, cf. Item 3.3 or Item 4.3.


Grade distribution

The following distribution of grades for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs from academic year 2016/17 onwards is a distribution of the assessment grades Very good to Sufficient, covers the last five academic years and is updated annually.



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